Our Grants

Where is the Trust's money going?

In November each year the Trustees consider any Capital or Special Grants they are awarding for the following year. In addition, they make a bulk grant allocation to the Armed Services for the following year for Minor and Major Grants (see What Grants are available?). This allocation is divided between the Services, including Reserves, in proportion to their personnel strengths. For 2022, the Trustees made the following grant allocations:


Capital Grants:
- RAF Odiham - Welfare & Community Centre £1,000,000
- Operation Christmas Box 2022 – Provision of Christmas Boxes to deployed Service personnel £50,000
- The Boleh Trust – Support to Service personnel using the yacht ‘BOLEH’ £30,000
Services Major/Minor Grants £862,900
Ulysses Trust (Reserves) £120,000
Overall Allocation £2,062,900

Since 1939, the Trust has given grants of over £70 million, which is equivalent to over £255 million at present day values.

Under a Memorandum of Understanding between the Trust and the three Armed Services, grant applications for non-public (charitable) funding are scrutinised by the relevant Service staffs, who make a decision on which might be suitable for funding from the Services' own charitable funds or by the Trust

What types of Grant are available?

Minor Grants (Up to £15,000, or £30,000 for mini-buses)

Applications may be submitted at any time of the year.

Major Grants (In excess of £15,000 with a normal upper limit of £50,000)

Applications, which are considered at the March Trustee Meeting, may only be made once a year in accordance with the timetables published by the single Service Points of Contact (see below).

Capital Grants (over £50,000)

Allocations can be made at any time and have no upper limit. Projects can be considered for funding over more than one grant year. Applicants should be mindful of the Trust's granting cycle (November meeting to consider Grants for the forthcoming year and March meeting to confirm allocations) as bids may be held to match these timings.

Operational Welfare Grants (Variable and funded from a separate special allocation.)

Once an emergency has been declared, applications may be made at any time without the requirement to follow the detailed procedures for Major and Minor grants, which are shown above.

Special Grants

In addition to the above grants, the Trustees may also, from time to time, make other special allocations in order to meet unforeseen requirements.

How to apply for a Grant

Who is eligible to apply?

All Ships/Units/Stations/Establishments and similar organisations within the Armed Forces are automatically entitled to apply for financial support from the Trust on behalf of the regular serving members of their organisation, as well as those members of the Reserve Forces with an operational commitment. Dependants of regular serving members, although not eligible to apply in their own right, may also benefit indirectly as part of the 'Service Family as a whole'.

What are the priorities for grants?

The Trustees give the highest priority to supporting those deployed in an emergency to areas of conflict or disaster. They also strongly favour applications for grants that will benefit the maximum number of serving personnel and their dependants, but wish as well to provide often much needed support for smaller sports associations or groups and those living in isolated locations.

How are Joint applications handled?

When a project will benefit members of more than one Service, the 'strongest' Service (i.e. the Service with the majority of personnel who will benefit) will act as the sponsor.

How to apply

Enquiries about grants MUST ALWAYS BE MADE THROUGH SERVICE CHANNELS and applicants should therefore not submit their applications direct to the General Secretary of the Trust.

The nominated single Service points of contact are responsible for inviting applications and deciding which merit submission to the Trust within the allocations received.

Detailed instructions are published in the following separate Ministry of Defence publications:

Royal Navy

ACSO 3206

Royal Air Force
Air Publication (AP) 3223 Leaflet 119


Points of Contact for the three Services are:

Royal Navy:

Head of Grants, The Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity,
Building 37, HMS EXCELLENT, Whale Island, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 8ER
Email: anne.carr@rnrmc.org.uk
Website: www.rnrmc.org.uk
Tel: 023 9387 1521/1520



Secretary, Army Welfare Grants Committee
Headquarters Regional Command
Montgomery House, Queens Avenue, ALDERSHOT, Hampshire GU11 2JN
Email: RC-Pers-WelFunds-0Mailbox@mod.gov.uk



Sqn Ldr Karl Parfitt RAF
SO2 Welfare & Charities
HQ Air Command
Hurricane Building
RAF High Wycombe
Bucks HP14 4UE

Email: Air-People-PFSpt-AccnWelDelMlbx@mod.gov.uk
Skype: 03001577289 – WO Gow
Skype: 03001640722 – Sqn Ldr Parfitt